Filipino-American Business Chamber of Commerce of Arizona
West Chapter

Arizona West

Mission Statement​

It is our mission to promote and support the continued growth of Filipino American owned businesses in the great State of Arizona. We are also the first point of contact for any new business wanting to move to Arizona or to get an insight as to the business dynamics and demographics in our State. We are the bridge to Filipino based businesses who wish to invest or set up shop here in the Southwest.



About Us

Founded in October of 2019, FABCCA-WEST strives to be the preeminent Filipino-American organization dedicated to business and to be the first place where people go to for anything related to Filipino-American business.

The Filipino American Business Chamber of Commerce Arizona West assists its members in the following ways:

  • By providing networking opportunities to expand and promote members’ businesses
  • By initiating programs and committees designed to advance the interests of members’ business
  • By serving as an information resource center for new business opportunities and business referrals

Event Photos

Message from the President

Minnie Palis


Hello and welcome to our website! My name is Minnie Palis and I am the President of FABCC of Arizona West. We are a non-profit organization, which seeks to promote the economic development of the Filipino American business community in Arizona.

I would like to personally thank you for visiting our site and we look forward to sharing more about our chamber with you. We are here to help start, assist, and advocate Filipino-owned businesses in Arizona to grow, create jobs and be successful.

Minnie Palis


Minnie Palis


Kay Oballo

Executive VP

Jodi Lindstrom


Wilitez Poirier

